We have been told the bank is going to accept our offer on the house (the house is a short-sale, so the bank must approve all offers). Brandon and I were so surprised to hear back so fast, as we had been told it could take anywhere from 1-6 months to get a response from the bank. Apparently, the bank was starting to review the offers when Brandon and I swooped in. Lucky us :) We should have the contract from the bank in our hands on Wednesday...which also happens to be our 5 year anniversary :) And if all works out, we will close on April 17.

Now Brandon and I are trying to get some things done to make life easier for us once we close. The big thing we have to do is find someone to replace us in our apartment. The rest has just been figuring out what we want to do to the house. We went by Home Depot yesterday to pick up some paint chips and ended up picking out the color for nearly every room. Then we roamed the store looking at every possible thing that we might want to do, even if the existing is in good condition just not our style. But I guess that is what happens when you buy a house :)

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